
Radio Interviews  Jump to full-length talks

The recent Bilderberg meeting in Virginia,
KPFA's Flashpoints Show Interviews Jack Rasmus
June 8, 2017, (13 min 9 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Kevin Peena on KPFA radio's show, Flashpoints, interviews Dr. Jack Rasmus about the significance of the recent Bilderberg conference held in Virginia. The attendees were among the most powerful economic figures in the world. They held their meeting privately, away from public inspection. Jack talks about how their decisions affect the development of world finance capital and the consequences for the rest of us.

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Trump and the Deep State,
Global Research Interviews Jack Rasmus on Trump
January 20, 2017, (21 min 18 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Global Research, Canada, radio interviews Jack Rasmus on the significance of the coming Trump regime. What are the deeper political forces and class alignments behind Trump, will the established elites who opposed him take action to check or stop him? Rasmus argues Trump reflects a new coalition of ex-teaparty extremists pushed out of Congress, white working class elements abandoned by Democrats and traditional elites, small business, rural America, rebel generals critical of US foreign policy, and a new aggressive wing of capitalists focused around real estate, oil, shadow banking, etc. wanting a more aggressive restoration of total US global hegemony that has been in decline. Jack argues the traditional elites will allow Trump to proceed with right populist measures focusing on immigration, law and order police action, limiting civil liberties, and attacking the liberal media so long, and until, Trump delivers on corporate-investor tax cuts, deregulation, and does not proceed to dismantle free trade and Nato precipitously. Should he fail to deliver to his popular b ase, however, and not deliver on behalf of corporations-investors, or proceed too recklessly on foreign policy -- they will then move to replace him.

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Rasmus interviewed by the worldwide Dialogos Radio's host,
Michael Nevradakis, on the latest Greek-Eurozone Crisis
September 29, 2016, (39 minutes)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Dr. Rasmus explains the current state of the on-going Greek debt crisis and depression, and reviews his analysis of Greece's continuing economic and political crisis, and the larger crisis of the Eurozone system, in his just published book, Looting Greece: A New Financial Imperialism Emerges by Clarity Press, September 2016, "Why Syriza lost, what's the consequence of privatizations," Rasmus explains why Greece must create a parallel currency to the Euro, reassert independent control over its central bank, and nationalize its banking system as the only solution to recovery. In explaining why Greece is a case example of a new emerging financial exploitation in the 21st century global economy, Rasmus provides his outlook for an increasingly fragile Eurozone banking system (German-Italian in particular).

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Interview with Loud & Clear show host, Brian Becker,
on Trump, Parties and US Elections,
August 15, 2016 (50 min 19 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Dr. Jack Rasmus joins host Brian Becker and others to discuss the meaning of the Trump candidacy, its effect on the two party system in the US, and what's behind Trump's white working class appeal. How the media is engaged in a 'full court press' to undermine Trump, support Hillary, and how much effect it will have on voters in November.

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Professor Jack Rasmus discusses global contagion effects of Brexit
with Equal Time Radio host Trayvon Leyson
July 10, 2016 (24 min 56 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Professor Jack Rasmus discusses the global contagion effects of Brexit, now beginning to emerge in the UK, EU, and beyond. UK and Euro currencies are falling, and financial asset prices are under growing pressure everywhere in Europe. Will (and how) might it spill over to the US economy? How are political instability in Europe from Brexit and spreading Euroscepticism being accelerated? The Brexit vote is a triumph for forces of national chauvinism, xenophobia, racism, and the hard right. It is a catastrophe for workers -- particularly immigrant workers -- and the Left. Jack is the author of Systemic Fragility in the Global Economy and Epic Recession: Prelude to Global Depression.

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Rasmus Interviews on Brexit and Free Trade
with LaborExpress Radio host, Jerry Mead-Lucero
July 3, 2016 (41 min 30 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Jack Rasmus explains how the UK Brexit vote is in a significant sense, ignored by the media, a working class rebellion against Europe's free trade union, which has driven down wages and exported to east Europe many good paying export goods jobs. The support for the Brexit was deeply concentrated in the industrial heartland of England and Wales. Brexit became a proxy protest vote for the combined negative effects of free trade, the crash of 2008-09, the uneven recovery in the UK that followed that benefitted mostly southern England and the London area, UK's double dip recession, and the fiscal austerity measures imposed on the UK economy by the Cameron and preceding Labor party governments. What appears as a protest against immigration is more fundamentally a protest against the decline of living standards for all the preceding reasons. The anti-democracy and anti-sovereignty effects of the European free trade arrangements further exacerbated the discontent.

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The Growing Unstable Global Economy
Jack Rasmus interview by Suzi Weissman, host, KPFK Radio
January 22, 2016 (18 min 47 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Jack Rasmus is interviewed on his recent book, Systemic Fragility in the Global Economy, by Clarity Press, January 2016, and its predictions for the China, Europe, Emerging Markets, and US economies in 2016-17. Jack explains the mountain of debt that has been growing since 2008, non-performing loans in Europe and China, collapsing global oil prices, stock markets about to tank, Japan and Europe stagnation and dueling currency wars, plus emerging markets instability from Latin American to Asia and beyond.

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China's Stock Market Collapse and Potential Contagion
Interview with Global Research host, Michael Welch
January 17, 2016 (28 min 27 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Dr. Jack Rasmus explains the recent history, current 20% decline, and future prospects for China's stock markets and their potential contagion effects on the global economy financial system and real economy. How the stock collapse interacts with China's continuing currency depreciation and its slowing real economy. How the stock implosion is a manifestation of China's rotating financial asset bubbles in local property, wealth management products (WMPs) and entrusted loans, and now stocks. Jack discusses the role of China shadow bankers and Hong Kong and global speculators and why the stock correction is not yet over.

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China Financial Crisis Erupts Again--What's Next?
Jack Rasmus on KGO 810 AM Talk Radio,
Northern California (January 10, 2016, 38 min 3 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Jack Rasmus is interviewed by Northern California Talk Radio, KGO-810 AM host, Pat Thurston. Jack explains the recent renewed stock market crisis in China and what it means in 2016. He also explains the relationship between China's currency decline, economic slowdown, and the Shanghai stock market's recent plummet, how oil prices now will fall below $30/barrel, and what are likely responses of Emerging Markets, Japan, and Europe to the growing instability in global financial and real economies. Jack describes how his new book, Systemic Fragility in the Global Economy, predicted these developments.

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Jerry Mead-Lucero Interviews Jack Rasmus on TPP
Labor Express Radio,
Chicago, Illinois (October 11, 2015, 41 min 52 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Jerry Mead-Lucero of Labor Express Radio in Chicago interviews Jack Rasmus on the recent TPP agreement signed by the US and 11 other nations. While the full text of the agreement is not available yet, Jack explains what the various 'leaks' suggest, including Big Pharma companies enhanced ability to price gouge not only Americans but poor and working classes throughout the TPP economies. Deals made by US negotiators with Australia and New Zealand will enable Big Pharma to prevent cheaper drugs for up to 11 years, not the 5 indicated by the business press, only one year less than in the US. Jack explains how auto and manufacturing job losses in the US will now accelerate, due to terms favoring Japan and its China based auto parts production. Jack and Jerry discuss the anti-democracy and sovereignty issues in the TPP, that will mean legislation to protect jobs and prevent Big Pharma price gouging of Americans (already driving up drug insurance costs in the US) will not be allowed due to provisions of TPP. Nor will the EPA be able to issue regulations to mitigate climate change. TPP is the tip of the iceberg of a growing corporate global government structure that will eventually obsolete democracy. Jack predicts Washington politicians of both parties will eventually pass the TPP in 2016, in exchange for massive campaign contributions from big multinational US corporations, for whom TPP is their number one priority.

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On the Eve of Greek Debt Default
Equal Time Radio, WDEV,
Burlington, VT (June 29, 2015, 32 min 44 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Jack Rasmus is interviewed by WDEV host, Traven Leyshon, on the state of negotiations between the Troika of Euro bureaucrats and Greek government at the 11th hour before the official Greek default on payments to the IMF due June 30. Jack discusses the class character of the current negotiations, where the Troika wants pension cuts and sales tax hikes, and has offered a 'take it or leave' final best offcer. Greece's decision to put that offer to a vote of the people of Greece means no more offers until the vote is done. Troika reps think the vote will be for their last offer, and are launching a Euro media blitz aimed at Greek voters to confuse the issue as leaving Europe, not rejecting their concessions-laden proposal. Jack explains how the real plan of the Troika hardliners has always been to force an economic and then a political crisis in Greece to get rid of the moderate left Syriza party government and then negotiate debt continuation with a more compliant group of politicians, as the Troika has since 2010.

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Latest on Greek Debt Crisis
KPFA Radio, June 21, 2015 (4 min 2 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Jack Rasmus provides an update on Greek Debt negotiations as the deadline of June 30 approaches.

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Greek Debt Negotiations
KDVS Davis, June 19, 2015 (32 min 21 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Jack Rasmus is interview in depth by host, Richard Estes, discussing the history, evolution, and latest status on Greek debt negotiations and its implications for Euro and global economic instability.

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Why the Ukraine Economic Crisis Has Deepened on the Road to Depression
Project Censored, KPFA Radio, October 31, 2014 (16 min 13 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Jack Rasmus explains why the Ukraine crisis now represents a bona fide depression, as he predicted last March. The IMF rescue package has not only failed to restore the economy but has actually accelerated it, Rasmus argues. Like all IMF loan deals, it is designed to repay western bankers and the IMF first with more credit, then rescue the central bank and private banks in Ukraine. IMF deals then mean deep cuts in jobs, wages, consumer subsidies, social programs, more household taxes and more business tax cuts in order to rescue private enterprises at the expense of working classes. Jack dissects the IMF terms and explains why it has resulted in collapsing currency, capital flight, and the direct turnover of the Ukraine economy to the IMF and western bankers.

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Super Rich and their Shadow Banks
Voice of Russia Radio, June 10, 2014 (17 min 15 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Dr. Jack Rasmus is interviewed by host, David Kerans, of the US Edition of the Voice of Russia radio, on the accelerating growth of shadow banks and the super-wealthy depositors in the global economy since 2009. Rasmus explains how the explosion of global liquidity by central bankers like the Federal Reserve, Bank of England, Bank of Japan, and others aimed at bailing out the traditional banking system from the 2008 crash has had the unintended consequence of ballooning the financial assets of the global financial super-elite and their preferred 'shadow banks' institutions. Ultra high net worth investors and shadow banks in turn, awash in liquidity and cash, continue to stoke global financial asset markets, pushing them toward yet another round of even greater financial instability in the years just ahead--and perhaps another even greater financial crash. How central bankers are growing concerned, but unable to corral the runaway shadow banks and the super rich.

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Eurozone Central Bank's Latest Monetary Move
Voice of Russia Radio, June 10, 2014 (17 min 32 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Dr. Jack Rasmus, is interviewed by Russia Radio host David Kerans, on the European Central Bank's latest move to inject still more money into the Eurozone banking system and economy. Rasmus explains why this latest injection, which include the introduction of negative interest rates, will prove no more successful than prior LTRO I, II liquidity injections. A Eurozone QE will ultimately follow. Rasmus further explains why monetary policies of central banks worldwide mostly stimulate financial asset prices (stocks, bonds, derivatives, foreign exchange trading, etc.) and not the real economy. The monetary stimulus ends up either hoarded by banks, invested in financial securities world-wide, or loaned offshore, Rasmus notes. Meanwhile, real investment, jobs, and incomes for the majority fail to grow, and prices for goods and services slow and trend toward deflation.

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The Real Real US G.D.P.
Voice of Russia Radio, June 3, 2014 (18 min 8 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Jack Rasmus is interviewed by Russia Radio Host, Andrew Hiller, on the USA 1st quarter 2014 GDP (Gross Domestic Product) drop of -1.0%. Jack debunks the notion that it was due to bad weather, examining details of the GDP contraction. He explains further why official underestimates of inflation artificially boost the GDP numbers every quarter, so the -1.0% was even greater. How the US 2013 redefinition of GDP still further raises business investment and GDP is described. Finally, how global economies, lagging after five years in terms of GDP growth, are now also redefining GDP to raise it, including in Europe by adding prostitution and drug dealing services to their estimates of GDP.

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Europe's Drift Toward Deflation and Stagnation
Voice of Russia Radio, May 27, 2014 (16 min 42 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

In a briefer summary of his May 24 own radio show, (see Public Talks, May 24, 2014) Dr. Jack Rasmus, summarizes for Russia Radio why Europe's economy continues to stagnate. Jack explains how its monetary system cannot accommodate stabilizing its banking system or stimulating the economy, but will soon embark on a USA-like 'quantitative easing' policy to try to do so. The results will, as in the USA, result in stock and financial asset inflation, but little real economic growth and recovery-as economic weakness spreads to northern Europe economies like France and Netherlands. Jack explains further why Cameron's UK 'recovery', an echo of earlier George Bush-Alan Greenspan policies in 2002-03, will eventually stall. The Eurozone's drift toward deflation will continue.

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The IMF, Portugal Exit, & Ukraine Entry
Voice of Russia Radio, May 20, 2014 (17 min 53 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Jack Rasmus is interviewed by host, David Kerans, on Portugal's just announced exit from IMF lending. Jack explains how it represents a mere exchange of forms of debt from IMF to private investor Portugal bond purchases, and will have no effect on the real economy, including austerity policies, unemployment, and real economic recession in Portugal. Reasons for the new shift in global purchases of Euro periphery bonds are explained. As Portugal exits, the Ukraine enters the clutches of the IMF, with depression consequences. The IMF terms for Ukraine and their impact are explained.

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Multinational Drug Corporation, Pfizer, Bids for UK Competitor, Astrazeneca
Voice of Russia Radio, May 13, 2014 (16 min 47 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Dr. Rasmus explains the rising trend of US corporation acquisitions offshore, as a means for avoiding US corporate taxes and boosting stock prices and capital gains for investors. Rasmus explains how the move will result in destruction of jobs and still higher drug prices in both US and UK. Also explained are other means by which corporations today are avoiding taxes by manipulating countries' tax loopholes, in a global corporate tax race to the bottom that mimics the already long-standing US state to state corporate tax race to the bottom of recent decades.

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IMF Deal and the Ukraine Crisis
Voice of Russia Radio, May 6, 2014 (17 min 18 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Rasmus is interviewed by host, Kells Heatherington, of Voice of Russia Radio American Edition and gives details of the recent IMF bailout of the Ukraine economy package, and its likely impact on the Ukraine economy. Rasmus explains, in his recent published article, The IMF Ukraine Deal Means A Greece-Like Depression, that the IMF $17b package will in large part go to western bank repayments from prior IMF deals, as well as to the Ukraine central bank to address currency decline, capital flight, and to finance exports. Little will stimulate the real economy, which will experience significant inflation, unemployment, investment decline, and real consumption decline. Rasmus predicts a 10%-15% GDP drop for the country over the next two years.

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A May Day Lament for American Labor
Voice of Russia Radio, May 1, 2014 (18 min 28 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Dr. Rasmus is interviewed by host, David Kerans, to discuss the condition of American unions and workers on International labor day, May 1. Rasmus explains how jobs, wages, and incomes for the 100 million plus working class in the USA have, since 2009 and the official end of the recession, been stagnant or still in decline. Non-supervisory workers jobs are still 11 million fewer than before the recession in 2007 began, while real wages and median incomes have continued to fall during the last five years of recovery. Rasmus and Kerans discuss some of the reasons, as suggest solutions beyond just safe suggestions typical of mainstream economics.

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The Labor Force in America
Voice of Russia Radio, April 29, 2014 (17 min 17 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Dr. Rasmus is interviewed by host, Kells Heatherington, of Voice of Russia, American Edition, on the state of the American work force today. Rasmus explains jobs have still not recovered all those lost since 2007, and especially non-supervisory jobs which are still millions below prior levels. Moreover, Rasmus points out, the 5 million jobs created under the Obama administration are largely lower paid, in contrast to mostly higher paid jobs lost during the recession. Non-union jobs have replaced union, and as new workers have entered the labor force and jobless rehired, more than 5 million have left the labor force since 2007, according to Rasmus. The US is creating jobs slower than the population is growing-all providing a picture of a great churning in various dimensions rather than a true recovery in the labor markets in the US.

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Dr. Rasmus on China's Economic Slowdown and Its Global Impact
Voice of Russia Radio, April 22, 2014 (17 min 34 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

In an interview with Voice of Russia Radio host, Kells Heatherington, Dr. Rasmus explains China is the lynchpin for the global economy today, and its economic slowdown will have broad and deep repercussions. Arguing the slowing China economy is more serious that officially reported, Rasmus notes its impact not only on the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, So Africa) economies exports to China and their economic slowdown, but on Europe as well. China slowing will not only mean currency declines in the emerging markets, and in turn more capital flight, but capital to Europe will keep the Euro currency high and reduce economic exports and recovery there as well.

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US Corporations Paying Less Taxes Today
Voice of Russia Radio, April 15, 2014 (16 min 56 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Dr. Jack Rasmus explains the data that shows US Corporations today, five years after the recession, continue to pay about half the taxes as a percent of corporate profits than they paid on average from 1989-2008. This continued subsidy of corporate share of total federal tax revenue is also occurring despite profits that are now approaching twice that of the record profits earned in 2007, just before the recession started in 2007-08. Corporations' true, effective rate in the US is no more than 12-13%, now the official 35% and they pay on average only another 2% to States and 2-3% to foreign governments. Rasmus notes how the US government under both Bush and Obama have provided nearly $8 trillion in tax reduction to corporations, wealthy investors, and the wealthiest households since 2001.

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GDP Trends Show Persistent Long Run US and Global Slowdown
Voice of Russia Radio, April 11, 2014 (18 min 24 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Dr. Rasmus provides an alternative, longer term look at US and Global GDP trends, that indicate a slowing-not a recovering-global economy. In response, it appears governments, including the US, are beginning to redefine how they estimate GDP in order to make it appear the economy in GDP terms is actually growing faster than it in fact may be.

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Rasmus Interview on Ukraine Economic Crisis
Russia Radio Today, March 2, 2014 (18 min 34 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

In an interview with Russia Radio Today host, Kells Heatherington, Dr. Jack Rasmus explains the many factors behind the Ukraine's current economic crisis. Rasmus points out the Ukraine economy has been historically weak since 2004, and negatively impacted the past decade by global oil price shocks, the 2008 banking crash, Europe's double dip recession, and now today's emerging markets currency crisis-not just economic mismanagement by the recent Yanukovich regime. Rasmus explains Ukraine's present currency collapse, capital flight, and foreign reserves multiple crises, all underway well before the February 20 events. Rasmus predicts Ukraine will need $50 billion or more in bailout from the IMF, Europe and US but will not get much of that apart from promises from the West to influence upcoming May elections. IMF bailout will also mean 5%-10% GDP drop, a 'Greece-like' depression in the Ukraine in the immediate future.

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Russia Radio Interviews Dr. Jack Rasmus About Growing Crisis in Emerging Markets
Feb 25, 2014 (18 min 2 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Russia Radio Today host, Kells Heatherington, interviews Dr. Rasmus on the central role of the US central bank, the Federal Reserve, is precipitating a growing economic crisis in emerging market economies globally. Rasmus explains how the 'Fed' free money policies since 2008 created an artificially boom in economies like Brazil, Indonesia, and others, and now as the Fed reverses its policies and money capital flows back to the US and Europe from those markets, the result is a growing economic crisis in the economies.

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KDKA Pittsburg Radio Interviews Rasmus on 3rd Phase Global Economic Crisis
Feb 24, 2014 (34 min 18 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Dr. Jack Rasmus is interviewed by Pittsburg radio host, Chris Moore, on his recent article on the coming Global Economic Perfect Storm. Rasmus explains how the 3rd phase of the global economic crisis is now emerging, with a primary focus on economic decline in emerging market economies (Brazil, India, Turkey, etc.) and a significant slowdown of the China economy as well. The Eurozone economy will continue to stagnate, especially given events emerging in the Ukraine.

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KPFA Host, Kevin Pina, Interviews Dr. Jack Rasmus on the Congressional Budget Deal of 2013
Jan 3, 2014 (17 min 16 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Dr. Jack Rasmus explains how the recent Budget Compromise enacted by Congress in December restored Defense spending sequester cuts, but was really 'smoke and mirrors' with regard to other spending cuts. $31 billion of the latter restored, was 'offset' by $25 billion in unemployment benefits and $16 billion in food stamp cuts, plus another $26 billion in government workers and veterans pension reductions. So workers, vets and the poor in effect 'paid for' the defense spending restoration in the deal.

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Jack Rasmus on Inequality and Obama's State of the Union,
On Clearing the Fog Radio,
November 13, 2013 (54 min 21 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Jack is interviewed by hosts, Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, on Obama's State of the Union speech and the emerging talk by politicians and academics on growing income inequality in the US. Inequality has been growing for more than 3 decades, and good data has been available since 2002, but academics and politicians are now just finding out, he argues. But while they talk about it, they provide no solutions except very long run 'opportunity' proposals. Serious action on inequality requires real structural proposals to redistribute income from the wealthiest 1% and their corporations, to the remaining 90% of households. Jack explains how.

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Jack Rasmus Interview on Russia Radio Today,
October 22, 2013 (11 min 12 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Dr. Rasmus is interviewed by radio host, Rob Sachs, on what's the state of deficit negotiations between Obama and Congress, one week after the debt ceiling interim deal of Oct. 17, 2013. Rasmus explains how negotiations are again back on the track of this past summer, with both parties exploring ways to cut entitlement spending (social security and medicare) in exchange for government funding and a longer term debt ceiling extension. Rasmus explains how social security and medicare are not in a financial crisis, and how minor fixes to the SSDI and Prescription Drugs programs would mean a half century of stability in these programs. Rasmus further explains the role of corporate tax cuts in the coming bargaining mix, and how politicians of both parties are grossly misleading the public about entitlements, in order to cut entitlement spending and push through still more corporate tax cuts.

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Jack Rasmus Interview on Law and Disorder Radio,
WBAI, New York
October 21, 2013 (18 min 52 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Jack is interviewed by host, Mike Smith, on the Teaparty Role in the Republican party and the recent debt ceiling crisis in the US, the coming renewed attacks again on social security-medicare in the wake of the debt ceiling deal of October 16, and the growing discontent at the grass roots in the US labor movement with Democrats looking to cut social security and medicare.

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Debt Ceiling Negotiations in US Congress, Russia Radio
Oct 2, 2013 (11 min 30 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Dr. Jack Rasmus is interviewed by Russia Radio host, Rob Sachs, on the current negotiations in Congress on the forthcoming debt ceiling deadline and the government shutdown. Jack provides his interpretation why an agreement will be reached in the end.

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Interview with Russia Radio Host, Rob Sachs, on Debt Ceiling Negotiations
September 17, 2013 (12 min 46 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Jack is interviewed by Russia Radio's American Edition on the subject of the upcoming negotiations between the Obama Administration and Congress over the Debt Ceiling. Jack provides his view and analysis that a 'deal' with eventually occur, since big corporations will eventually side with Obama and Boehner to pressure radicals in the House of Representatives to agree to a deal-as similarly occurred last year in the 'fiscal cliff' deal. Big business wants the major corporate tax cuts that are working through Congress. Those cuts, Rasmus argues, will be the political 'glue' that brings the parties together for a deal.

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Jack Rasmus on US Economy with Chris Moore, KDKA Radio, Pittsburg, PA
August 3, 2013 (37 min 4 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Dr. Rasmus discusses the state of the US economy at mid-year with host Chris Moore. Jack explains while some indicators show a very modest recovery, job creation is very low pay, middle class earnings continue to fall, housing recovery may have stalled as mortgage rates rose 1% in June, and manufacturing-construction remain flat or barely growing. Jack warns of forthcoming deficit-debt ceiling fights again this fall, Federal Reserve likely start of reducing QE and rising rates to follow, and China's and rest of world in recession or slowing.

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Interview with host, Suzi Weissman, KPFK radio, Los Angeles
August 2, 2013 (13 min 11 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Jack and host discuss the recent suspension of the Obamacare requirement for businesses to provide health insurance by 2014. Jack outlines the other growing problems with Obamacare, including majority of states refusing to participate in health insurance exchanges and/or Medicaid provisions of the Health Care Act. Businesses now beginning to cut full time workers to part time in order to avoid the requirements of the Act, the 40% tax on union plans and employers now capping contributions, and other emerging issues. Jack predicts the penalties for both small employers and the uninsured will be too low to force participation, without which insurance costs will rise for the rest. Jack predicts Obamacare will implode by 2015-16, requiring a major overhaul at best. The only solution to the coming crisis is Medicare for All.

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Rasmus Analyzes FED chairman, Bernanke's, Testimony to Congress, on Russia Radio Today
18 July 2013 (14 min 8 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Dr. Jack Rasmus is interviewed by Russia Radio on the recent flip-flop by US Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke, on slowing the current Quantitative Easing (QE3) $85 billion monthly liquidity injection. Dr. Rasmus discusses the impact on asset prices and markets following the Fed's June suggestion of 'tapering' the QE3, and the reversal of financial asset markets in the subsequent backtracking by Bernanke and other Fed governors. Rasmus predicts 'tapering' of QE3 will begin and that the US economy, and markets in general, will prove more sensitive and volatile to the eventual change than most economists now assume. QE3 tapering + more deficit cutting this fall + debt ceiling debates may have a significant collective impact on the US economy

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Interview with Russia Radio American Edition Host, Andrew Hiller
13 June 2013 (14 min 55 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Andrew Hiller Interviews Jack Rasmus on the Global and US Economies

In a brief 15 minute interview, Dr. Jack Rasmus provides a review of his predictions for the coming year, 2013-14, on the global and US economies. Europe, China, Japan, the BRICS, other emerging markets, as well as the US economy, are forecast. US GDP longer term trends are explained, as well as current and future directions in US consumer, business, government, and net export spending. The real state of the US housing and jobs 'recoveries' are reviewed, as well as government fiscal and monetary policies. Why global financial instability is rising to dangerous levels again is explained.

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Jack Rasmus talks about 'Austerity American Style' and Deficit-Debt Ceiling Negotiations, on Russia Radio Today
10 July 2013 (14 min 30 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Dr. Rasmus is interviewed by Russia Radio host, Andrew Hiller, on the coming round of more deficit cuts, the US 2014 budget, Tax Code legislation, and a renewed fight between the conservatives in the U.S. House of Representatives and Obama over the extending of the debt ceiling again this fall. Rasmus predicts a deal will be cut, involving more massive tax cuts for corporations, a restoring of defense spending, and more cuts to social security, medicare, and Obamacare.

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Interview with Russia Radio Today, and Host, Andrew Hiller
22 April 2013 (12 min 56 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Green Shadow Cabinet and Dr. Rasmus as Shadow Federal Reserve Chairman

Dr. Rasmus interviews with host, Andrew Hiller, about his new role as Shadow Federal Reserve Chairman and member of the newly formed 88 member Green Shadow Cabinet for the USA. Jack explains the Green Shadow Cabinet, its mission and objectives, and his radically different view of what the Federal Reserve, the central bank of the US, should be doing instead of printing bottomless money for bankers and speculators. Jack explains how he would transform the Fed into a public banking system with members democratically elected by the public. Jack also discusses with host, Hiller, the coming changes in calculating US GDP that would falsely boost the numbers for US economic growth.

Click on the image on the right to hear the MP3 version.
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Interview with Host, Chris Moore, KDKA Radio
Pittsburg, PA, April 15, 2013 (40 min 43 sec)

Jack Rasmus On Obama's New Budget and Social Security-Medicare Cuts

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Jack and host, Chris Moore, discuss proposals in Obama's 2014 Budget to cut Social Security & Medicare, Defense, and other topics related to the latest developments in deficit spending cuts and taxes in the U.S.

Click on the image on the right to hear the MP3 version.
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Rasmus Interview with Radio Russia Today on March 1st Sequestration:
March 1, 2013 (17 min 25 sec)

Why the impact of sequestration will likely be greater than estimated in an already fragile US economy

Dr. Jack RasmusJack explains how a US version of the recently announced Eurozone's Financial Transaction Tax could raise more than $800 billion a year in new tax revenue. Jack and host discuss the limits of central bank monetary policy, 'Quantitative Easing', and why it's failing worldwide.

MP3 | RealPlayer

Other Voices TV, Where's the US Economy Headed?
Dr. Jack Rasmus is Interviewed by Host, Paul George,
Palo Alto, Calif., Feb 5, 2013 (56 min 49 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Jack discusses the recent fiscal cliff deficit events and the upcoming further deadlines in Washington for more spending cuts on March 1, May 18, and after. The real causes of deficits and the debt and real situation concerning Medicare and Social Security are also discussed. Dr. Rasmus explains the recent very soft US economy GDP performance at the end of 2012, and why the very slow growth will likely continue. Jack notes his prediction of the past 18 months that the US and global economies in 2013 are drawing nearer to a double dip recession

Click on the image on the right to hear the MP3 version.
Click here to listen to the Real Player version
Click here to jump to a link to the video version

Seven Interviews on the Fiscal Cliff

Washington DC, Chicago, Pittsburg and San Francisco Radio Stations, Nov. 11-Dec. 29, 2012

Dr. Jack RasmusJack Rasmus explains in the following multiple radio interviews across the country why a deal on the fiscal cliff will occur, evolving in at least three stages between now and next summer. Obama has big business in his corner and together they will pressure the US House of Representatives to back off and accept a tax hike for the rich. In exchange, Corporate America will get big corporate tax cuts.

    Click on the audio format of your choice, either MP3 or RealPlayer
  1. Nov 11, 2012 (31 min 39 sec) Chris Moore, KDKA:   MP3  |  RealPlayer
  2. Nov 24, 2012 (39 min 24 sec) Pat Thurston, KGO:     MP3  |  RealPlayer
  3. Dec 22, 2012 (36 min 30 sec) Pat Thurston, KGO:     MP3  |  RealPlayer
  4. Dec  3, 2012 (14 min 44 sec) Rob Sachs, Russia Radio:        MP3  |  RealPlayer
  5. Dec 21, 2012 (53 min 10 sec) Rob Sachs, Russia Radio:       MP3  |  RealPlayer
  6. Dec 27, 2012 (18 min 22 sec) Andrew Hiller, Russia Radio:  MP3  |  RealPlayer
  7. Dec 29, 2012 (57 min 28 sec) Steve Lendman, Progressive Radio:   MP3  |  RealPlayer
  8. Jan 9, 2013 (17 min 36 sec) Carmen Russel Suchansky, Russia Radio: MP3  |  RealPlayer

KGO Talk Radio Interviews Dr. Rasmus on Fiscal Cliff - November 24 and December 22, 2012

Dr. Jack Rasmus Explains the Fiscal Cliff Negotiations in Washington and Its Impact

Dr. Jack RasmusJack explains to host, Pat Thurston and KGO audience, why a deal on the 'Fiscal Cliff' will now happen, as corporate CEOs align behind the president to force House of Representatives right wing to agree. Dimensions of the eventual deal are outlined.

    Click on the audio format of your choice, either MP3 or RealPlayer
  1. Nov 24, 2012 (39 min 24 sec)   MP3  |  RealPlayer
  2. Dec 22, 2012 (36 min 30 sec)   MP3  |  RealPlayer

The Presidential Election, Candidates Programs, and Predictions

Jack is interviewed by Chris Moore, KDKA Radio, Pittsburg, PA, on Nov. 4,
and by Steve Lendman, PRN, on New York, Oct. 27

Dr. Jack Rasmus Jack discusses with both hosts the recent presidential debates, similarities and differences between the two candidates' economic programs, how the electoral votes by states are likely to turn out, and the real economic program coming with the post-election fiscal cliff negotiations between both parties regardless who wins in November.

    Click on the audio format of your choice, either MP3 or RealPlayer
  1. Oct 27, 2012 Steve Lendman (52 min 35 sec):   MP3  |  RealPlayer
  2. Nov 4, 2012 Chris Moore (32 min 20 sec):        MP3  |  RealPlayer

Jack Rasmus Interviewed by National Progressive Talk Radio on the U.S. Economy,
October 14, 2012 (58 min 47 sec)

Dr. Jack RasmusNPTR Host, Sean Prophet, Discusses Obama's Economy with Jack Rasmus

Dr. Jack Rasmus discusses the state of the US and global economies with host, Sean Prophet, and his most recent book, 'Obama's Economy: Recovery for the Few'. Jack explains why, after $13 trillion in bank bailouts, business tax cuts, and spending, the economy of the past four years has been 'stop-go' at best. Jack critiques the election year economic programs and proposals of the two presidential candidates, Obama and Romney, in detail--expanding upon the topic recently presented on Jack's new radio show, Alternative Visions, on PRN.FM. Jack explains what's behind all the talk about 'fiscal cliff' and how the elites of both parties, Democrats and Republicans, are cooking up a US version of austerity that will be revealed after the November US elections regardless who wins the US presidential race".

Click on the image on the right to hear the MP3 version.
Click here to listen to the Real Player version

Progressive Radio Network, New York, with host Stephen Lendman - June 30, July 28, and August 25, 2012

Jack discusses the rapidly evolving crisis in the Eurozone

Dr. Jack RasmusHost Stephen Lendman interviews Jack Rasmus on his recent blog and website articles analyzing the recent, rapid deterioration of the Eurozone banks, periphery governments, and emerging European recession. Spain, Greece, and Italy are the focal point of discussion explaining what Jack calls the 'triple crisis' now emerging there that is increasing the risk of a global economic slowdown and double dip recession.

    Click on the audio format of your choice, either MP3 or RealPlayer
  1. June 30, 2012 (38 min 11 sec):   MP3  |  RealPlayer
  2. July 28, 2012 (52 min 46 sec):    MP3  |  RealPlayer
  3. August 25, 2012 (53 min 10 sec):    MP3  |  RealPlayer

Traven Leyshon WDEV Radio, Burlington, VT
May 28, 2012 (23 min 52 sec)

Jack's new book, 'Obama's Economy: Part 1', is discussed with Traven Leyshon

Dr. Jack RasmusJack and Traven discuss the eight reasons cited in the book why Obama's three recovery programs since 2009 have not succeeded in generating a sustained economic recovery. Jack's analysis in the book, completed last November 2011, predicted the course of economic events now unfolding in the USA and the Eurozone.

Click on the radio image on the right to play the MP3 version of this interview.
Click here to listen to the Real Audio version of this interview.

The Chris Moore Show KDKA Drive-By Radio, Pittsburg, PA
May 20, 2012 (19 min 39 sec)

Jack Rasmus Interviews with Host, Chris Moore, on the Slowing US Economy in 2012

Dr. Jack RasmusJack highlights the slowdown in US GDP in 2012 and Discusses his new book, 'Obama's Economy: Recovery for the Few', published this April 2012, which predicted and explains why the US economic recovery is still not occurring for most.

Click on the radio image on the right to play the MP3 version of this interview.
Click here to listen to the Real Audio version of this interview.

5 Interviews with Progressive Radio Network's Steve Lendman Show, January-May 2012, on the Evolving Economy

Jack Rasmus on the US Economy from Winter 'Rebound' to Spring 'Relapse'

Dr. Jack RasmusJack is interviewed with host, Steve Lendman, on topics ranging from why the winter rebound of the US economy is statistically doubtful and not sustainable, to the emerging deeper Eurozone crisis, and why Jack's just released new book, 'Obama's Economy: Recovery for the Few' predicted it all. Jack explains why a double dip recession in 2013 is more likely than ever.

    Click on the audio format of your choice, either MP3 or RealPlayer
  1. January 28, 2012 (50 min 17 sec):   MP3  |  RealPlayer
  2. February 25, 2012 (55 min 22 sec):  MP3  |  RealPlayer
  3. March 31, 2012 (51 min 08 sec):      MP3  |  RealPlayer
  4. April 28, 2012 (54 min 44 sec):        MP3  |  RealPlayer
  5. May 26, 2012 (49 min 14 sec):        MP3  |  RealPlayer

The Gary Null Show WBAI Radio, New York
Jan 19, 2012 (19 min 22 sec)

Jack is interviewed by progressive radio host, Gary Null, on the US Jobs and GDP numbers

Dr. Jack RasmusJack explains why the current job numbers reported by the labor department are statistically overestimated in the winter period. He predicts job numbers will significantly decline this coming spring, April-June, just as they have for the last three years.

Click on the radio image on the right to play the MP3 version of this interview.
Click here to listen to the Real Audio version of this interview.

Clearing the Fog, with Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, WPWC Radio, Washington, D.C.
2012 (19 min 58 sec)

Jack discusses his forthcoming book, 'Obama's Economy: Recovery for the Few', with hosts Zeese and Flowers

Dr. Jack Rasmus

Jack explains why economic recovery is still lagging in the U.S. and predicts it will continue to do so up to the November 2012 elections. Jack and hosts focus in particular on the last chapter of the book and the author's own 'Alternative Program for Economic Recovery' that contrasts with Obama's.

Click on the radio image on the right to play the MP3 version of this interview.
Click here to listen to the Real Audio version of this interview.

Dr. Jack Rasmus4 Interviews with Progressive Radio Network's Steve Lendman Show, September-December 2011

Jack Rasmus discusses the evolving US economy, from the summer 2011 stall and relapse to Obama's 3rd Recovery Program proposals and the Congressional Supercommittee's November 2011 decision to 'kick the can down the road' during the election year 2012.

    Click on the audio format of your choice, either MP3 or RealPlayer
  1. September 24, 2011 (53 min 5 sec):  MP3  |  RealPlayer
  2. October 29, 2011 (53 min 51 sec):     MP3  |  RealPlayer
  3. November 26, 2011 (54 min 18 sec):  MP3  |  RealPlayer
  4. December 31, 2011 (56 min 34 sec):  MP3  |  RealPlayer

Peninsula Peace and Justice Center Community TV, Palo Alto, CA,
with host Paul George: the Coming Double Dip Recession and Euro Debt Crisis
September 6, 2011 (56 min 41 sec)

Dr. Jack RasmusJack is interviewed by TV host, Paul George, on whether the US economy will slip into another 'double dip' recession, and the status of jobs and other US economic indicators, which he predicts will result in a double dip in 2012 or 2013. Jack also discusses the growing debt crisis in Europe, now morphing into a bank crisis there, and its possible impact on the U.S. economy in the months ahead.

Click on the image on the left to hear the MP3 version.
Click here to listen to the Real Player version
Click here to jump to a link to the video version of this interview.

Building Bridges, with Nash and Mimi Rosenberg, WBAI
August 8, 2011 (13 min 42 sec)

Dr. Jack RasmusJack provides specific explanations why a double-dip recession is now emerging, and why the jobs numbers are worse than reported. He gives a step-by-step narrative of the recent deficit-debt fiasco in Washington and predicts what's next.

Click on the radio image on the right to play the MP3 version of this interview.
Click here to listen to the Real Audio version of this interview.

KGO-AM Radio, San Francisco, CA,
with host Pat Thurston: The Debt-Ceiling Deal
August 1, 2011 (31 min 10 sec)

Dr. Jack RasmusJack provides an analysis of what looks like a debt ceiling deal, predicting it will have little effect on the real economy, which is rapidly weakening. Jack takes audience questions on the debt deal and economy.

Click on the image on the right to hear the MP3 version.
Click here to listen to the Real Player version.

Labor Express Radio, with Jerry Lucero
June 6 and July 25, 2011

Jack discusses what he sees as a coming double dip recession and provides data to support the view. He also analyses where the debt ceiling crisis is going, predicting a solution by the August 2 deadline, but at a cost to Medicare and Medicaid and with no tax hikes on the rich.

Click on the links on the right to play the MP3 and Real Audio versions of these two interviews.

    MP3 format
  1. June 6, 2011 broadcast (49 min 3 sec)
  2. July 25, 2011 broadcast (33 min 12 sec)

    Real Audio format
  1. June 6, 2011 broadcast
  2. July 25, 2011 broadcast

Beneath the Surface, Suzi Weissman, KPFK
July 15, 2011 (17 min 50 sec)

Dr. Jack RasmusJack provides an update on where budget talks are headed. He predicts there will an all-spending cuts deal and no default in the end.

Click on the radio image on the right to play the MP3 version of this interview.
Click here to listen to the Real Audio version of this interview.

Jack Rasmus Explains How His Book, 'Epic Recession', IS Predicting the Current Economy
A talk with TV Host Paul George, of Channel 27
May 4, 2010 (58 min.)

dr. jack rasmusJack explains how the current crisis is following the trajectory of what he calls 'Epic Recession', in his new book being released May 11, 2010. Jack discusses how the present 'recovery' in the US cannot be sustained without conclusively addressing the 25 million jobless and 7-10 million foreclosures, how US banks are lending to speculators again and not to create jobs,and what the emerging crisis in Greece and Europe (and soon China) will result in a renewed intensity of the crisis, which has many similarities historically to prior crises in 1907 and 1929, and unlike other post-1945 recessions. Jack predicts (on May 4) the stock markets will correct another 15-20% and housing prices will resume falling.

Click on the image on the right to play the MP3 version of the talk.
Click here to listen to the Real Audio version.

Stephen Lendman Show

April 30, May 28, and July 2, 2011

Jack provides a three month running commentary on the fast moving budget deficit cutting debates. He also predicts before other mainstream economists that the economy is now heading for a double dip recession, and explains why recent employment numbers are failing to pick up a rapidly weakening jobs market that is heading for a jobs creash this summer

Click on the links on the right to play the MP3 and Real Audio versions of these three interviews.

    MP3 format
  1. April 30, 2011 broadcast (55 min 42 sec)
  2. May 28, 2011 broadcast (52 min 40 sec)
  3. July 2, 2011 broadcast (55 min 20 sec)

    Real Audio format
  1. April 30, 2011 broadcast
  2. May 28, 2011 broadcast
  3. July 2, 2011 broadcast

WDEV Equal Time Radio, Traven Leyshon, Burlington, VT
April 21, 2011

Dr. Jack RasmusJack speaks with host Travis Leyshon of Burlington Radio about the recent jobs numbers and Teaparty efforts to reduce the budget by $29 billion, and what's coming after that.

Click on the radio image to play the MP3 version of this interview.
Click here to listen to the Real Audio version of this interview.

Jack Rasmus discusses the 'Foreclosures and Housing Crisis'
An Interview on KGO 810AM Talk Radio with Host Pat Thurston
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Dr. Jack Rasmus In a follow-up interview, Jack shows how the foreclosures and housing crisis is really the consequence of the recent deep economic recession and weak economic recovery.

Click on the image on the right to play the MP3 version of the talk.


March 26, 2011

Dr. Jack RasmusJack provides an alternative explanation for the growing funding gap in public employee pensions, showing how it's not benefit increases but the recession, pension managers' negligence and speculative investment losses, decades of 'contribution holidays' failing to put money into the pension funds, and fraudulent actuarial assumptions that account for the shortfall in pension funding.

Click on the radio image to play the MP3 version of this interview.

February 26, 2011

Dr. Jack Rasmus Host Steve Lendman and Jack discuss the attacks on public workers and the growing fiscal crisis of state and local governments in the U.S.; Jack provides critical comments on President Obama's recent speech to the US Chamber of Commerce.

Click on the radio image to play the MP3 version of this interview.

WDEV Equal Time Radio, Traven Leyshon, Burlington VT
February 1, 2011

Dr. Jack RasmusJack interviews with Travis Leyshon, discussing the jobs picture at the start of the new year, and his article, 'How to Create 15 Million Jobs', forthcoming in the February issue of 'Z' magazine.

Click on the radio image to play the MP3 version of this interview.

January 29, 2011

Dr. Jack Rasmus Jack is Interviewed on President Obama's State of the Union speech and what it means for economic recovery and the triple crises in jobs, home foreclosures, and state and local government finances; and Jack's latest feature article in January, 'Obama's Horns and Predictions for 2011.

Click on the radio image to play the MP3 version of this interview.


December 18, 2010

Dr. Jack RasmusHost Stephen Lendman interviews Jack about the state of the economy.

Click on the radio image to play the MP3 version of this interview.

November 20, 2010

Dr. Jack RasmusHost Stephen Lendman interviews Jack about the state of the economy.

Click on the radio image to play the MP3 version of this interview.


KDKA Drive By Radio, Chris Moore Show, Pittsburg, PA
October 13, 2010

Dr. Jack Rasmus Jack joins Chris Moore to break down the current state of the economy and offer some possible solutions.

Click here to listen to the original broadcast.

WDEV Equal Time Radio, Traven Leyshon, Burlington VT
September 28, 2010

Dr. Jack Rasmus Jack explains why the Obama 2009 stimulus was never designed to create jobs and save homeowners, but to temporarily buy time by the Obama administration in expectation of markets taking over after the stimulus, banks lending, and private businesses creating jobs. The problem: banks didn't lend and businesses didn't invest or create jobs, despite trillions of dollars in bailouts.

Click on the radio image to play the MP3 version of this interview.
Click here to listen to the Real Audio version.


September 25, 2010

Dr. Jack RasmusHost Stephen Lendman interviews Jack about the state of the economy on the eve of the mid-term elections. Jack discusses the growing debates over deficits and stimulus,both in the US and Europe, and the shift of the Obama administration toward more tax cuts for business as the economic recovery in the US has begun to fade over the summer. How and why the jobs and housing foreclosure twin crises continue to deepen.

Click on the radio image to play the MP3 version of this interview.
Click here to listen to the Real Audio version.

WBAI-New York City, The Law and Disorder Show with Hosts Michael Ratner and Mike Smith
September 6, 2010

Dr. Jack RasmusJack is interviewed by New York host, Mike Smith, 'Law and Disorder Radio', explaining the unique analysis in his new book, EPIC RECESSION, and how it predicted the economic crisis as it has evolved since 2007. Jack makes further predictions for the remainder of 2010 and beyond.

Click on the radio image to play the MP3 version of this interview.


KDKA Drive By Radio, Chris Moore Show, Pittsburg, PA
August 29, 2010

Dr. Jack Rasmus Jack is back with host Chris Moore once again to discuss the weakening of the economy over the summer. What are the solutions? Prof. Rasmus argues that more of the same tax and spending policies won't create a sustained recovery in jobs and end the depression in housing and falling home prices. He explains the need for banking and other economic restructuring proposals in his book, EPIC RECESSION: PRELUDE TO GLOBAL DEPRESSION.

Click on the radio image to play the MP3 version of the interview.
Click here to listen to the Real Audio version.

August 28, 2010

Dr. Jack Rasmus Jack continues his monthly interview with host, Stephen Lendman, and explains why the economy is slipping, as predicted in his book, EPIC RECESSION. The economy is deeply 'consumption fragile', he notes, and the financial system continues to remain financially fragile as well. European banks are the now the weak link financially. U.S GDP will continue to slow into 2011, as temporary factors responsible for the weak recovery of the past year, 2009-2010, fade and the global economy slows as well.

Click on the radio image to play the MP3 version of the interview.
Click here to listen to the Real Audio version.

KPFK, Beneath the Surface with host Suzi Weissman
August 27, 2010

Dr. Jack Rasmus Jack returns for a brief interview with Suzi Weissman discussing the rise in joblessness once again, and critiques the recent financial reform bill, noting how derivatives trading and speculative investing, at the core of the current crisis, are left virtually untouched in the bill.

Click on the radio image to play the MP3 version of the interview.
Click here to listen to the Real Audio version.

WDEV Equal Time Radio, Traven Leyshon, Burlington VT
August 3, 2010

Dr. Jack Rasmus Jack continues explaining EPIC RECESSION in a follow-up to an earlier interview with host Traven Leyshon in June. (see below). He explains why Ben Bernanke and the US Federal Reserve are becoming increasingly nervous about the direction of the economy. Pumping more money into banks won't result in more bank lending to small and medium US businesses, with banks now sitting on reserves of more than $1 trillion already. More tax cuts for business won't create jobs, with big businesses sitting on more than $1.84 trillion already. Giving more money to business and banks has already failed to produce results.

Click on the radio image to play the MP3 version of the interview.
Click here to listen to the Real Audio version.

July 28, 2010

Dr. Jack Rasmus Host Stephen Lendman interviews Jack in a continuation of explaining the theory beyond Jack's analysis of the current crisis, in his just-released book, EPIC RECESSION: PRELUDE TO GLOBAL DEPRESSION.

Click on the radio image to play the MP3 version of the interview.
Click here to listen to the Real Audio version.

Labor Express Radio, Jerry Mead-Lucero, Chicago
July 19, 2010

Dr. Jack Rasmus Jack is interviewed by host of Labor Express Radio, Chicago, Jerry Mead-Lucero. He discusses in detail the main arguments of the book, focusing on the concluding chapter about his 28 proposals necessary to create sustained economic recovery.

Click on the radio image to play the MP3 version of the interview.
Click here to listen to the Real Audio version.

KDKA Drive By Radio, Chris Moore Show, Pittsburg, PA
June 16, 2010

Dr. Jack Rasmus Chris Moore talks to Dr. Jack Rasmus about the “epic recession” we are experiencing now.

Click on the radio image to play the MP3 version of the interview.
Click here to listen to the Real Audio version.

WDEV Equal Time Radio, Traven Leyshon, Burlington VT
June 16, 2010

Dr. Jack Rasmus Traven discusses with Jack his just-released new book, EPIC RECESSION: PRELUDE TO GLOBAL DEPRESSION. Jack explains his analysis, which runs counter to current official and business hype that the economy is in recovery. He explains how the recent jobless numbers are really much worse than has been reported, due to government statistical techniques, and that unemployment will worsen again even officially in the second half of the year.

Click on the radio image to play the MP3 version of the interview.
Click here to listen to the Real Audio version.

March 27, 2010 and April 24, 2010

Dr. Jack Rasmus Jack is interviewed by host, Steve Lendman, in two parts, on April 24 and March 27. He discusses the real facts behind current unemployment, pending Congressional efforts to regulate the banks, the growing fiscal crisis in Europe and U.S. states, and how his recent book, EPIC RECESSION: PRELUDE TO GLOBAL DEPRESSION, provides a new approach to explaining it all, while offering a 28 point program for recovery.

Click on the following links to listen to these interviews:
March 27, 2010:  mp3 format | Real Media Format (56 min 10 sec)
April 24, 2010:     mp3 format | Real Media format (51 min 30 sec)

KPFK, Beneath the Surface with host Suzi Weissman
Radio interview, April 9, 2010 (Length: 15 min 29 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus Jack Rasmus returns to KPFK-Los Angeles in an interview with Suzi Weissman, discussing the recent jobless numbers and his new book, EPIC RECESSION: PRELUDE TO GLOBAL DEPRESSION.

Click on the radio image to play the MP3 version of the interview.
Click here to listen to the Real Audio version.

The Continuing Economic Crisis and Healthcare Reform:
Three Radio interviews at Year's End, 2009

Dr. Jack Rasmus Jack Rasmus gives end of month interviews with Republic Broadcasting host, Steve Lendman, on the economic crisis: November 27 and December 30. Jack is also interviewed by KPFK-Los Angeles host, Hamid Khan on December 28, discussing health care reform pending in Congress and the general economic crisis.

Click here to listen to these interviews:
November 27, 2009: mp3 format | Real Media format (43 min 58 sec)
December 28, 2009: mp3 format | Real Media format (17 min 50 sec)
December 30, 2009: mp3 format | Real Media format (44 min 25 sec)

'The Economic Crisis and Future of the Dollar'
Republic Broadcasting Radio Interview with Host Steve lendman, October 31, 2009 (length: 44 min 9 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus In the latest regular monthly interview with Republic Broadcasting Jack explains why the current 'recovery' is weaker than many pundits and the press are now trumpeting. He also places talk about the collapse of the dollar in a more realistic perspective, arguing a collapse is not imminent but a long run, steady decline is in the cards.

Click on the radio image to play the MP3 version of the interview.
Click here to listen to the Real Audio version.

'What the Latest GDP Statistics for the U.S. Don't Tell You'
Beneath the Surface radio show with host, Suzi Weissman, Los Angeles, October 30, 2009 (length: 11 min 16 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus Jack discusses the economy once again with KPFK-Los Angeles host, Suzi Weissman, explaining why the banking system is still fragile. Jack predicts that 700 banks will fail in the US over the next 15 months, and that the commercial property markets will become another 'subprime' crisis.

Click on the radio image to play the MP3 version of the interview.
Click here to listen to the Real Audio version.

'Why the FDIC is Going Broke'
Beneath the Surface radio show with host, Suzi Weissman, Los Angeles, October 12, 2009 (length: 18 min 4 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus Jack discusses the economy once again with KPFK-Los Angeles host, Suzi Weissman, explaining why the banking system is still fragile. Jack predicts that 700 banks will fail in the US over the next 15 months, and that the commercial property markets will become another 'subprime' crisis.

Click on the radio image to play the MP3 version of the interview.
Click here to listen to the Real Audio version.

'Why the Banks Are Still in Serious Trouble'
Labor Express Radio, Chicago, October 11, 2009 (length: 30 min 50 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus Jack is interviewd by host Jerry Mead-Lucero of Chicago's Labor Express Radio. He explains the condition of the US economy and why recovery cannot occur so long as job losses exceed 20 million and home foreclosures approach 8 million. The economy is not experiencing a sustained recovery and will slow in 2010, Jack argues. He describes a radical plan to restructure the US banking system.

Click on the radio image to play the MP3 version of the interview.
Click here to listen to the Real Audio version.

Jack Explains Why the Economic Crisis has not yet 'Recovered'
Republic Broadcasting Radio Host, Steven Lendman, August 31 and September 25, 2009 (length: 1 hr 25 min 11 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus Jack discusses the current recession with host, Stephen Lendman, and explains why the economic crisis in its most important fundamentals has not ended. THere can be no recovery, Jack adds, with more than 20 million jobless and rising and with home foreclosures projected to rise to 8 million. Jack focuses on the recent meetings with Treasury Secretary Geithner in China and the basic shift in policy by Fed Chairman, Ben Bernanke, toward protecting the U.S. dollar.

Click on the radio image to play the MP3 version of the interview.
Click here to listen to the Real Audio version.

Republic Broadcasting, Chicago Interviews Jack Rasmus
Radio Host, Steven Lendman, July 24, 2009 (length: 44 min 5 sec)

Dr. Jack RasmusJack returns to Republic Broadcasting to discuss the press hype about 'green shoots' and economic recovery, and explains why 22 million jobless by year end, 10 million foreclosures, and continuing collapse of consumption, investment and exports means recovery is not around the corner despite all the hype.

Click on the image to play the MP3 version of the interview.
Click here to listen to the Real Audio version.

Is the Crisis Really Over?
Los Angeles Radio Show, "Beneath the Surface" Interviews Jack Rasmus
July 20, 2009 (length: 18 min 50 sec)

Dr. Jack RasmusJack explains why the continuing foreclosures and many months more of job losses will mean no recovery is on the horizon.

Click on the image to play the MP3 version of the interview.
Click here to listen to the Real Audio version.

Pacifica Radio Plays Excerpts From May 16 Labor Workshop
Jack Rasmus's May 16 Presentation on KPFA Radio
July 20, 2009 (length: 31 min 55 sec)

Dr. Jack RasmusJack's May 16 San Francisco Central Labor Council workshop presentation on the economic crisis is featured on KPFA Radio's Against the Grain show hosted by C.S. Soong.

Click on the image to play the MP3 version of the interview.
Click here to listen to the Real Audio version.

Jack Rasmus on 18 Reasons Why the Economic Crisis Will Continue,
An interview with Republic Radio host Stephen Lendman,
June 19, 2009 (length: 44 min 18 sec)

Dr. Jack RasmusJack summarizes his forthcoming 'Z' magazine article and 18 reasons why the current economic crisis is not yet over. He also explains the strategic significant of Geithner's early June visit to China and why it was timed with testimony by Federal Reserve chairman, Ben Bernanke, to Congress on the same day. The Geithner visit means the Obama administration has decided to protect the value of the U.S. dollar at the expense of domestic U.S. economic recovery if necessary.

Click on the image to play the MP3 version of the interview.
Click here to listen to the Real Audio version.

Dr. Jack Rasmus Discusses the latest events of the current economic crisis,
An interview with KPFA host C. S. Soong,
Berkeley, June 16, 2009 (length: 25 min 39 sec)

Dr. Jack RasmusJack discusses the latest events of the current economic crisis with C.S. Soong, on his show, 'Against the Grain', explaining why the economy is not in recovery. Based on his forthcoming 'Z' magazine article for July 2009, Jack provides a dozen or more reasons why both the real and financial economy will continue to deteriorate. He explains the why Treasury Secretary, Geitner's, recent trip to China represents a strategic turning point for U.S. Capital, and its shift to support the U.S. dollar at the expense of domestic U.S. economic recovery.

Click on the image to play the MP3 version of the interview.
Click here to listen to the Real Audio version.

Four Radio Interviews on the May 9 Labor Council Teach-In

Dr. Jack RasmusDr. Jack Rasmus is interviewed by four radio stations, reporting on the May 9 historic Teach In on the economic crisis organized and sponsored by five AFLCIO Central Labor Councils in San Francisco. As a keynote speaker, and economic advisor to the San Francisco Central Labor Council, Jack adds an update on the Obama-Geithner bank bailout events, including the meaning of the bank 'stress tests' and media and politician hyping about 'green shoots' recovery allegedly underway. Jack explains why the economy and financial sectors are really continuing to deteriorate beneath the surface. Jack elaborates on his idea of converting the banking system into a regulated utility, beginning with the full nationalization of the residential mortgage markets and consumer credit markets.

Jack Rasmus on KALW-SF Radio, Economic Crisis Teach-In Event
An interview with KALW's Art Persyko
San Francisco, May 7, 2009 (length: 8 min 20 sec)

Dr. Jack RasmusJack is interviewed about the latest economic crisis events. He explains why the residential mortgage markets should be nationalized, why the Obama bank bailout will fail, and why an alternative recovery program is needed. Jack will be a keynote speaker at the upcoming May 9th, 2009 San Francisco Union/Community Teach-In on the economic crisis, sponsored and endorsed by all the union central labor councils in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Click on the image to play the MP3 version of the interview.
Click here to listen to the Real Audio version.

Dr. Jack Rasmus Discusses Obama Bank Bailout and Why It Will Fail
An interview with Republic Broadcasting Host Steve Lendeman,
Chicago, March 20, 2009 (length: 45 min)

Dr. Jack RasmusRasmus explains the PPIP, TALF, and other provisions of the new Geithner plan and why the plan will ultimately fail. How the banks and other bailouts are repeating errors of the past Bush administration, how the bankers are planning to 'game the system' to get even greater subsidies from the taxpayer, and what kind of new banking structure is needed.

Click on the image to play the MP3 version of the interview.
Click here to listen to the Real Audio version.

WBAI-New York City, The Law and Disorder Show with Hosts Michael Ratner and Mike Smith
March 2, 2009 (length: 23 min 6 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus Jack discusses his 20 Point Economic Recovery plan submitted to the US House of Representatives Finance Committee. He explains why far more government spending is needed to stop the accelerating loss of jobs and deepening downturn of the real economy in the US. He explains why a nationalization of the residential mortgage market is the only real solution long term to the collapse of housing prices and the deepening financial and banking crisis in the U.S. Further long term restructuring of income distribution via single payer, national retirement pool, and other measures are explained.

Click on the image to play the MP3 version of the interview.
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WDEV Equal Time Radio, Burlington, VT with Host Traven Leyshon
February 18, 2009 (length: 38 min 33 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus Jack discusses the Obama stimulus plan and explains his own 20-point alternative program for economic recovery, focusing on jobs creation spending of $1 trillion and a nationalization of the residential housing mortgage markets.

Click on the image to play the MP3 version of the interview.
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Jack Rasmus explains his 20 Point Economic Plan, LaborExpress Radio, Chicago
February 7, 2009 (length: 36 min 33 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus Jack explains in detail his 20 point economic recovery plan, and how it differs from the Obama program bills working their way through Congress. Rasmus explains how a minimum $1 trillion government spending program is needed to recover the total 10 million new jobs that will be lost in 2008-09, and how another $1 Trillion is needed to save millions of homeowners from foreclosure by nationalizing the residential mortgage and small business markets in the U.S.

Click on the image to play the MP3 version of the interview.
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Jack Rasmus interviewed on Pittsburg, PA radio, KDKA,
January 24, 2009(length: 35 min 45 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus Jack Rasmus is interviewed by KDKA Pittsburg, PA host, Chris Moore, and discusses the first outlines of the forthcoming Obama economic recovery plan, then explains his own proposals for recovery sent to the U.S. House of Representatives Finance Committee.

Click on the image to play the MP3 version of the interview.
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On the Epic Recession and Jack's 20-point Economic Recovery Program, Jack Rasmus speaks with Republic Broadcasting Network host, Steve Lendman,
in Chicago, January 12, 2009 (length: 35 min 42 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus Jack and Steve Lendman cover topics of the continuing surge in job losses in December and the outlook for 20 million more unemployment in 2009, characteristics of Epic Recession and Depression, and Jack's 20 point Economic Recovery Program submitted to Congress.

Click on the image to play the MP3 version of the interview.
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On the Auto Bailout, Dr. Jack Rasmus Joins KPFK-LA Host, Suzi Weissman,
December 8, 2008 (length: 20 min 18 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus Jack discusses the auto bailout debate in Congress, and explains why Republicans and the big banks and their lobbyists are pushing to block any rescue of the auto companies. The real target is the dismantling of what remains of the auto workers' contracts, in particular their remaining pension plan. Jack then very briefly outlines his program for economic reform.

Click on the image to play the MP3 version of the interview.
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On the Worsening Economy, Jack interviews with KDKA Radio Host Chris Moore
December 7, 2008 (length: 40 min 13 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus Jack discusses with Chris Moore the rapidly deteriorating economic condition in the US and record jobless surge in November. What will the Obama recovery program look like in 2009?

Click on the image to play the MP3 version of the interview.
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On the Economist, Hyman Minsky, Deflation and the Continuing Financial Crisis
Jack Rasmus interviews with KPFK, Los Angeles, radio host, Suzi Weissman, November 17, 2008 (length: 18 min 18 sec)

Dr. Jack Rasmus Jack talks on the theories of economist, Hyman Minsky, and explains why solutions proposed by Treasury Secretary Paulson have failed. The key to the current crisis, Jack argues, is understanding the relationship between speculative investment, debt, deflation, and the deepening credit crunch now leading to a new wave of corporate and consumer defaults. It's 1930-31 and not yet 1933-34. A second, even more serious phase of financial crisis is brewing for late 2009. Meanwhile, the Obama team, he predicts, will see it more like 1993 than like 1933.

Click on the image to play the MP3 version of the interview.
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What's Wrong with the $700 Billion Bailout?,
Jack Rasmus is interviewed by host, Chris Moore, of KDKA Radio, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, October, 2008 (length: 55:12 minutes)

Dr. Jack Rasmus Jack explains and answers audience questions about that's wrong with the Paulson $700 billion bailout plan and how homeowners and consumers must be the focus of the bailout — not the banks.

Click on the image to play the MP3 version of the interview.
Click here to listen to the Real Audio version.

America's Failing Economy at Historic Juncture,
Jack Rasmus interviewed by Traven, on Equal Time Radio, on WDEV Radio, 96.1FM/550 AM, Vermont, 20 October 2008 (length: 33:47 minutes)

Dr. Jack Rasmus Jack Rasmus, economist and author of many articles on the U.S. economy, shares his analysis of how the real economy is accelerating into a deep recession behind the intensifying financial crisis and "Banking Panic of 2008" events of September-October.

Click on the image to play the MP3 version of the interview.
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The Collapsing Financial System and the Election,
Jack Rasmus interviewed by Suzi Weissman, host of Beneath the Surface, on KPFK Radio, Los Angeles, September 2008

Dr. Jack Rasmus Jack is interviewed on the blowup of investment bank, Lehman Brothers, and Merill Lynch, and others and explains how current Federal Reserve and US Treasury strategies to contain the deepening financial crisis have failed and why the financial crisis will continue to deepen. Jack discusses how the crisis is leading to an Epic Recession in the real economy and coming mass layoff announcements. He draws parallels between today and the first banking crisis in 1930 during the Great Depresssion of that decade and predicts the government will soon seek a solution similar to the 1930s era Reconstruction Finance Corp.

Click on the image to play the MP3 version of the interview.
Click here to listen to the Real Audio version.

Is the Economic Crisis Over — Or Just Beginning?,
2 Interviews with audience Q & A, WDEV 'Equal Time Radio', Burlington, Vermont, June 16 and July 28, 2008

Dr. Jack Rasmus Jack Rasmus is interviewed by host, Travis Leyshon, on the class economic policies that have devastated American middle and working class incomes and standards of living. Rasmus explains how the same policies are largely responsible for the current financial instability in the U.S. that is now being transmitted into a new kind of epic recession in the U.S. and globally. He explains why predictions the economy is stabilizing are in error. Two interviews with audience Q & A.

Economic Class War in the U.S.: A Conversation with Dr. Jack Rasmus,
Interview with TakingAimRadio, WBAI Radio New York, April 10,17,24 2007

Dr. Jack Rasmus Jack Rasmus is interviewed by hosts Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone on the cumulative economic policies that have devastated American households over the past three decades. Special focus is given to policies of pensions, retirement, and health care.

Order a Audio CD set of the presentation for $9 plus $3 shipping and handling.

Building Bridges Show
with host Ken Nash, WBAI Radio New York, August 2006

Dr. Jack RasmusJack explains how the newly passed Pension Reform Act will actually accelerate the demise of defined pensions plans in the U.S., and not rescue them as claimed by politicians.

Click on the image to the left to hear the MP3 version of this interview.
Click here to listen to the Real Audio version.

Law and Disorder Radio Talk Show
with host Michael Ratner, WBAI Radio New York, August 2006

Dr. Jack Rasmus Jack discusses the corporate offensive against labor in America that has destroyed unions and lowered living standards for tens of millions of families and the policies that have brought it about since 1980.

Click on the image to hear the MP3 version of this interview.
Click here to listen to the Real Audio version.

Purchase CDs

Order multiple Audio CD copies and handling. (Complete May 16 Labor Workshop CD -- not excerpted -- is $10.00 plus $3.00 for domestic shipping and handling. We ship single CD orders internationally for $10.00.) We accept credit card purchases through Paypal. Paypal is used on Ebay and by over 12 million consumers worldwide every day. It is simple and secure.

Origins of the Economic Crisis And Program for Long-Term Recovery
Are We On the Brink of Depression?
Jack Rasmus Explains the True Economic Cost of the War
Will the Obama Economic Recovery Plan Succeed?
Jack Rasmus Speaks to the Labor Party About a Program for Economic Recovery
The Speculative Investment Origins of the Financial Crisis
The Banking Panic of 2008 and Deepening Economic Crisis
Financial Crisis & Epic Recession
Trillion Dollar Income Shift
The War At Home: Economic Class War in America

Questions? email us at or call us at 925-828-0792.

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"The universality of Rasmus's art helps us see deeper truths about ourselves and our current predicament. The result is a useable past."

Jack Rasmus Productions
211 Duxbury Court
San Ramon, CA 94583