Books, Articles, Talks, Videos, Songs, and Stageplays on
Politics and Economics in America
News and Events
The Scourge of Neoliberalism: US Economic Policy From Reagan to Trump
$24.95 ((discounted 20% from publisher's price of $29.95) plus $6 shipping by USMAIL domestic or $25 shipping by USMAIL international, payment via PayPal
The Scourge of Neoliberalism: US Economic Policy From Reagan to Trump While the capitalist system has undergone numerous restructurings throughout its history, capitalist elites purpose in restructuring has remained the same: to restore and/or extend their hegemony. The current restructuring, operative since 1978, is called Neoliberalism. The book examines Neoliberalism as both an Idea and an historical practice composed of a particular mix of fiscal-monetary-trade-industrial policies that began with the latest US capitalist restructuring in the late 1970s, continuing to evolve to this day. The book further explains the deeper material forces giving rise to - as well as now undermining - the Neoliberal policy regime, with special focus given to the crisis of Neoliberalism in the wake of the 2008-09 global crash, Obama's failure to resurrect it, and Trump's current doomed effort to restore it in a new, more aggressive form. Evidence why Neoliberalism is destroying US Democracy concludes the book's analysis.
Alexander Hamilton and the Origins of the Fed
$40.00 hardback (discounted 50% off publisher's price of $80.00) plus $6 shipping USMAIL domestic or $25 shipping USMAIL international. Payment via Paypal.
Alexander Hamilton and the Origins of the Fed Describes how US federal governments, often in cooperation with the largest US private banks, introduced and expanded central banking functions from 1781 through the creation of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Based on an analysis of the evolution of the US banking system - from pre-1781, through the 1787 US Constitutional Convention, Congressional debates on Hamilton's reports to Congress, the rise and fall of the 1st and 2nd Banks of the United States, and through the long period of the National Banking System form 1862-1913, the book shows how central banking in the US evolved out of the private banking system, and how following the financial crash of 1907 big New York banks pushed through Congress the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, creating a central bank which they then managed for their interests.
Monetary Policy and the Coming Depression
$21.50 ((discounted 20% from publisher's price of $26.95) plus $6 shipping by USMAIL domestic or $25 shipping by USMAIL international, payment via PayPal
Central Bankers At the End
of Their Ropes? is a comprehensive critique of central banks’ policies in the 21st century, explaining why the massive injections of free money to the banking system since the 1970s enabled the creation of excess corporate debt that has led to financial bubbles and repeated crises. Since 2008 the central banks have bailed out the banks to the tune of more
than $20 trillion, providing a temporary solution to that crisis which, at the same time, is creating conditions for the next. The book addresses the growing contradictions of central banking, why they are failing in their functions, targets and tools, and proposes a radical democratization and restructuring to transform them to serve the public interest and not the private banks.
Imperialism Emerges
$20.00 plus $6 shipping by USMAIL domestic or $25 shipping by USMAIL international, payment via PayPal
Looting Greece...
- Reveals clearly who calls the shots in the Eurozone—the
hardliners, not the remnants and political residue of what was
once European social democracy.
- Follows the negotiations in their excruciating detail as the
Troika tightens the screws from 2009 to the present.
- Shows how Europe’s financial elite enriches itself on Greek
debt, privatizations and financial manipulations, turning Greece
into an Economic Protectorate.
$20.00 plus $6 shipping by USMAIL domestic or $25 shipping by USMAIL
international, payment via PayPal
Sytem Fragility in the Global Economy: Just as contemporary economics failed to predict the 2008-09 crash, and
over-estimated the subsequent brief recovery that followed, economists today
are again failing to accurately forecast the slowing global economic growth,
the growing fragility, and therefore rising instability in the global
economy. This book offers a new approach to explaining why mainstream
economic analyses have repeatedly failed and why fiscal and monetary
policies have been incapable of producing a sustained recovery. It explains
why the global economy is slowing long term and becoming more unstable, why
policies to date have largely failed the trend, and why the next crisis may
therefore prove even worse than that of 2008-09. Systemic fragility is
explained as rooted in 9 key empirical trends: slowing real investment; a
drift toward deflation; credit and liquidity explosion; rising levels of
global debt; a shift to speculative financial investing; the restructuring
of financial markets and labor markets; the failure of Central Bank monetary
policies; and the ineffectiveness of fiscal policies-each trend of which is
addressed in separate chapters in the book. The book concludes with a
critique of mainstream economics, Marxist, and Minskyan approaches to
explaining financial cycles and the author's own theory of why the global
economy is becoming systemically unstable.
for the Few
Book plus video DVD plus 66 slide Powerpoint slideshow
$27.50 plus $6 shipping by USMAIL domestic or $25 shipping by USMAIL
international, payment via PayPal
Obama's Economy: Recovery for the Few,
explains how the weakest and most lopsided economic recovery since
1947 has been the direct outcome of failed economic policies of
the Obama administration and US Federal Reserve bank since February
2009. The book provides seven specific reasons why Obama's three
recovery programs since 2009 have failed to generate sustained economic
growth. Tracing the evolution of Obama policies from the election
campaign in 2008 through 2011, the book explains how the US economy
is still continuing on a 'stop-go' trajectory of short, shallow
economic relapses followed by weak and unsustained recoveries and
why it will suffer yet a 'third relapse', or a worse double dip
recession, in 2013. The book concludes by offering an 'Alternative
Program for Economic Recovery', which focuses on new measures to
restore jobs, housing, and local government in the short term that
require major structural economic reforms in the U.S. tax, retirement
and banking systems to implement. Proposals are additionally offered
to reduce household, small business, and local government debt as
well as measures to restore historic rates of income growth for
working and middle class households.
This copy of the book includes a full 1.5 hour video DVD presentation and a 66-slide Powerpoint slideshow. To purchase the book only, scroll down to the next item on this page and click on its "Add to Cart" button. |
for the Few
$20.00 plus $6 shipping by USMAIL domestic or $25 shipping by USMAIL
international, payment via PayPal
Obama's Economy: Recovery for the Few,
explains how the weakest and most lopsided economic recovery since
1947 has been the direct outcome of failed economic policies of
the Obama administration and US Federal Reserve bank since February
2009. The book provides seven specific reasons why Obama's three
recovery programs since 2009 have failed to generate sustained economic
growth. Tracing the evolution of Obama policies from the election
campaign in 2008 through 2011, the book explains how the US economy
is still continuing on a 'stop-go' trajectory of short, shallow
economic relapses followed by weak and unsustained recoveries and
why it will suffer yet a 'third relapse', or a worse double dip
recession, in 2013. The book concludes by offering an 'Alternative
Program for Economic Recovery', which focuses on new measures to
restore jobs, housing, and local government in the short term that
require major structural economic reforms in the U.S. tax, retirement
and banking systems to implement. Proposals are additionally offered
to reduce household, small business, and local government debt as
well as measures to restore historic rates of income growth for
working and middle class households. |
$2.50 plus $1.50 shipping, payment via PayPal
Part 1 of An Alternative Program for
Economic Recovery explains the seven specific reasons
why the economic recovery under Obama since 2009 has failed for all
but the wealthiest few and largest corporations. Central among the
seven reasons, it is argued, are Obama's basic failure to develop
programs to provide jobs for 25 million unemployed, to save 11.4 million
homeowners from foreclosure, and to solve the problem of the continuing
deterioration of state-local government finances.
In Part II the pamphlet
offers programs in eight specific areas as an Alternative Economic
Recovery Program: in the short term, programs to create 17 million
jobs, proposals to prevent further foreclosures and stabilize falling
home prices, and to restore state-local government finances; in the
intermediate term proposals are described which would fundamentally
restructure the tax system, the banking system, and the retirement
system necessary to enable the jobs-housing-local government programs;
and in the longer term proposals are offered to prevent a repeat of
the current economic crisis focusing on eliminating today's massive
debtload weighing on households and government and on raising real
incomes for working and middle class households. The above eight specific
program areas (jobs, housing, local government, bank-tax-retirement
restructuring, and debt-income recovery) are all necessary, it is
argued, for any sustained economic recovery from the continuing recession,
and to prevent an eventual further economic collapse within the next
5 years. |
$25.00 (no local sales tax) plus $6 shipping by USMAIL domestic
or $25 shipping by USMAIL international, payment via PayPal
Epic Recession: Prelude to Global
Depression is a 336 page book, published May 2010,
by Palgrave-Macmillan (U.S.) and Plutopress (global), that reveals
the deep origins of the current economic crisis, explains why current
Obama policies have failed, and offers an alternative, comprehensive
28 point program for economic recovery. Jack Rasmus explains how
the current crisis is similar to prior Epic Recessions in the U.S.,
in 1907-1914 and 1929-1931, and quite unlike 'normal' recessions
since 1945. Rasmus describes how the current crisis is neither a
full blow depression or a short lived contraction followed by a
swift return to growth, but a crisis followed by a period of extended
stagnation that may yet slip into a classic depression. Developing
a new theory of its causes and evolution that departs from mainstream
economic analysis, Jack argues that preventing a possible descent
into depression will require a basic restructuring the U.S. economy
through a massive job creation program, a nationalizing of residential
housing and consumer credit markets, a fundamental restructuring
of the tax system, a new type of Federal Reserve and banking structure,
and measures that restore a long term redistribution of income. |
$25.00 (no local sales tax) plus $6 shipping by USMAIL domestic
or $25 shipping by USMAIL international, payment via PayPal.
The War At Home: The Corporate Offensive
From Ronald Reagan to George W. Bush, is a 534 page,
extensively researched, nonfiction book that describes the evolution
of corporate-government policies from 1980 to 2005 that have shifted
more than a $1 trillion dollars a year, every year, from 90 million
American middle and working class households to the wealthiest 10%
and corporations. With more than 500 references and 45 tables and
graphs, the book examines in detail topics such as the Great American
Tax Shift, the 30 Year Pay Freeze, Free Trade and the loss of 10
million jobs, the creation of more than 40 million part time and
temporary jobs, the destruction of unions, dismanting of the postwar
pension and healthcare systems, and the theft by Congress and Presidents
of more than $2 trillion from the Social Security Trust Fund. Solutions
and proposals are offered to reverse the current corporate offensive
at the end of each chapter, as well as a new proposal for reorganizing
the trade union movement in the concluding chapter. According to
labor historian, Harvey Schwartz, if you liked Howard Zinn's book,
A People's History of the United States, then "you are going to
love the new book by Jack excellent complement and companion
to Zinn's popular work."
Click to read the book's Contents and the Preface. |
Recent articles by Jack Rasmus from 'Z' magazine,
'In These Times', and other publications on the current economic
and political crisis in the U.S. Topics include the current global
financial and economic crisis, the collapse of health care financing
and retirement systems in the U.S., shifting tax burden, shelters
and corporate fraud, deregulation and social security privatization,
the 30-year pay freeze, radical restructuring of job markets, the
corporate free trade offensive, explosion in CEO pay and capital
incomes, growing global income inequality, decline of American unions,
and increasing class-biased policies of political parties. Articles
may be downloaded for free by individuals. Reproduction in multiple
quantities requires written permission of the author.
Cartoons by Jim Swanson. |
Audio CDs of Jack's public talks and radio show
interviews--on topics from the current financial crisis, recession,
economic policies of the Bush administration, growing income inequality
in America, etc.--are available at for download and listening. Click
on the image to the left or on the heading of this section to open
the Audio CDs page.
Interviews and talks range from 20 minutes to 2
hours and include presentations and extended audience Q & A
with Jack. Audio CDs may be ordered for a nominal cost of $9, plus
$3 shipping and handling. (Talks and interviews may not be duplicated
for distribution without the written permission of the author). |
Selections of original songs and soundtracks of
stageplays by Jack Rasmus may be accessed for listening and download.
Songs address themes of political protest in the Brechtian-Epic
Theater tradition and contemporary cabraet in various musical styles.
Click on the songsheet image, 'Song of Solidarity', to the right
to listen to a sample song selection. Also available for listening
are selected scenes from the 2003 stageplay, 'Fire on Pier 32',
about the history of the west coast longshore workers from the 1934
San Francisco General Strike to the present. A full soundtrack of
the 2.5 hour stageplay is also available for purchase. Click
the heading of this section to open the Songs and Music page where you can play select songs and scenes, and order a soundtrack.
(Songs and soundtrack may not be duplicated for distribution without
the written permission of the authors).
Music composed by Joyce McBride |
Click on this songsheet to find more songs and music.
Videos of Jack's public talks, in terviews and
presentations on the economic crisis, environment and politics are
available on DVD for a nominal cost. Jack Rasmus Productions is also
proud to present on DVD the full length, 2.5 hour stage play, "Fire
on Pier 32", which was performed to sold out audiences in San Francisco
in 2003. "Fire" is story in 3 acts, performed by an ensemble cast
of 12, with original songs, staged in the 'Epic' Theater tradition,
about the west coat longshore workers and their union from the events
of the 1934 San Francisco General Strike through the historic lockout
in late 2002. Click on the photo for more details about videos of
Jack's speeches, presentations and the play and how to order. |
THE COLLECTED PLAYS features five full-length stage
plays on American History, Labor, and political themes.
Included in the volume are "1934: THE MUSICAL," a two
hour production in the Epic Theater tradition about
the San Francisco waterfront in 1934 with 10 original songs, chorus,
choreography, and visuals. The two-part four hour play, "OUR
TIME", a multimedia production about the transformation
of America in the 20th century based on scenes of American
Presidents from Herbert Hoover to George W. Bush.
"LOCKOUT", a play about contemporary labor conflicts in the grocery, hotel and west coast ports since 2002. The acclaimed
2.5 hour multimedia production, "FIRE ON PIER 32", about
the history of the west coast longshore workers and their union,
the ILWU, from the 1930s to 2002. And "HOLD THE LIGHT",
about a six month labor strike of young workers.
Click the photo for more information about each play. |
Jack Rasmus Productions
Jack Rasmus Productions was founded in 2015. Its mission
is to provide a critical analysis of 21st century American economy,
society, and culture delivered in a variety of communicative forms
including books, articles, audio presentations of speeches, public
talks, and interviews, musical scores and songs, videos, and multimedia
stage plays.
More about Jack Rasmus |
Jack Rasmus
Dr. Jack Rasmus, Ph.D Political Economy, teaches economics and politics at
St. Mary's College in California. He is the author and producer of the
various nonfiction and fictional workers, including the books 'Obama's
Economy: Recovery for the Few', Pluto Press, 2012, 'Epic Recession: Prelude
to Global Depression', Pluto Press, 2010, and 'The War at Home: The
Corporate Offensive from Ronald Reagan to George W. Bush', Jack Rasmus productions, 2015. He has written and produced several stage plays,
including 'Fire on Pier 32' and '1934'. Jack is the host of the weekly radio
show, Alternative Visions, on the Progressive Radio Network, and a
journalist writing on economic, political and labor issues for various
magazines, including 'Z' magazine, 'Against the Current', 'In These Times'
and others. Before his current roles as author, journalist and radio host,
Jack was an economist and market analyst for several global companies 18
years and, for more than a decade, a local union president, vice-president,
contract negotiator, and organizer for several labor unions, including the
UAW, CWA, SEIU, and HERE. Jack's website is where
his published articles, radio-tv interviews, plays and book reviews are
available for download. He blogs at, where weekly
commentaries on US and global economic matters are available. His twitter
handle is @drjackrasmus. |