Jack Rasmus Interviewed by TV Host, Paul George, of Channel 27, May 4, 2010 (58 min.)

Jack Rasmus Explains How His Book, 'Epic Recession', IS Predicting the Current Economy
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Jack explains how the current crisis is following the trajectory of what he calls 'Epic Recession', in his new book being released May 11, 2010. Jack discusses how the present 'recovery' in the US cannot be sustained without conclusively addressing the 25 million jobless and 7-10 million foreclosures, how US banks are lending to speculators again and not to create jobs,and what the emerging crisis in Greece and Europe (and soon China) will result in a renewed intensity of the crisis, which has many similarities historically to prior crises in 1907 and 1929, and unlike other post-1945 recessions. Jack predicts (on May 4) the stock markets will correct another 15-20% and housing prices will resume falling.

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